At 12:50 PM 12/04/2007, you wrote:
>Hey gang,
>I'm having some difficulty joining the sides of the fuselage 
>together.  I originally wanted to go a few inches wider, but could 
>barely get the fuse to bend to begin with, so I'm back to plan width 
>(sucks, but it'll have to do).
   .... please before you join the sides,consider glueing 3mm ply 
plates with the cross member section cut out in them (use a router), 
on to all the stations that will have cross members.. this gives you 
something to hold the cross member when gluing .. you will need 2 per 
station , the first should cover  the gusset blocks are on the fuz 
,the second one is smaller in area, glue it when you add the cross 
member this gives you a 6mm gusset . this will save you a huge amount 
of time and hassles as opposed to those painful gusset blocks. see 
tony bingilis books      you can email me  

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