Hello Nick,
This is what I did and as I recall worked pretty well. Once I skinned
both fuselage sides I laid them on top of each other and put a heavy
weight on the firewall end. Then I put a 1x4 about two feet toward the
tail end under this stack. This caused the tail end to be off the table.
I then weighted this end until it touched the table and let it sit like
that for a week. Then did it again with a 2x4 and let it sit another
week. This gave me a little "prebend". My fuselage is 44" wide at the
widest point and I made it a little deeper as I am 6'-5" tall. It is a
little time consuming but I think it helped instead of trying to pull it
all together at once and possibly breaking something. 

Stephen Teate
Paradise, Texas

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