Hi Mark Before you buy anything check out the XCom 760 at http://www.mcp.com.au/xcom760/ it's list of features is very impressive. I've had on for 2 years now an I'm very happy. I also have an ICOM A-200 in my motor glider which works very well but the Xcom has more features like dual frequence watch, built in intercom and can get external input from an Ipod, MP3 player or mobile phone.
Regards Barry Kruyssen k...@bigpond.com http://www.users.bigpond.com/kr2/kr2.htm -----Original Message----- From: krnet-boun...@mylist.net [mailto:krnet-boun...@mylist.net] On Behalf Of Mark Langford Sent: Friday, 16 March 2007 10:13 PM To: KRnet Subject: KR> ICOM A-200? Anybody heard anything good or bad about the ICOM A-200? I've finally become convinced that my Terra has a modulation problem (I can talk clearly for a hundred and fifty miles, but everybody complains about my radio when I'm within three miles of the airport), so I'm going to swap it out with something. Apparently this is a common problem with the TX-760D, and there is no cure for it on my particular revision (no pot to adjust). I thought about a 2.25" diameter Becker, but they're about a thousand bucks more than an A-200, and the A-200 would fill the hole now occupied by the dead TRT-250 transponder and the over-modulating Terra TX-760-D, which would keep me from having to build a new instrument panel. Anyway, anybody have any horror stories about the A-200?