The reason for the split switch is so that you could turn off the alternator
if you had a problem with it.  Alternators, generators, and voltage
regulators can fail in several different ways.  Some of the failure modes
will cause the charging system to draw excessive current instead of
supplying current which can pull down the system voltage, quickly kill your
battery, and potentialy cause an electrical fire and some failure modes such
as a shorted transistor in the regulator supplying the field voltage will
give an overvoltage condition which will fry your electronics, cause a fire
hazard, and possibly explode your battery.

In short, when you have a charging system failure you need to be able to
disconnect the charging system and still be able to keep your master switch
on and run off of the battery.

Brian Kraut
Engineering Alternatives, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Sal
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2007 9:20 PM
Subject: KR> Question Master Switch

To KRneters
  This is a question about the second contact in the Master Switch.
  I am rewiring my panel and I am adding a Starter and Starter Solenoid.
Previously the Master Switch had one contact that switched the Master
Solenoid to ground.  However I see in old drawings that the Master Switch
had two contacts, the second one to switch one output of the Alternator
going to the Rectifier Regulator. Is this necessary?  The only reason that I
can see why it was done like this is hand propelling the engine with the
Master Switch off could possibly put some damaging voltage into the
Rectifier/Regulator. Also if this is necessary then I would switch in that
Alternator to Rectifier lead with a relay in order to keep noise minimized
to the Alternator/Rectifier area without having the noisy even though
shielded lead coming to the panel.
  Thank You
  Sal Leone

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