> Reading this, one might suspect that you mean 1/4" isn't large enough, but
> you mean they are too large.

Wait a minute.  I don't think that makes any sense!  What you meant was that 
plastic was the problem, I suspect, not that it was too big.  Mine are 
3/16", and work fine except for full throttle, which is certainly good 
enough to stand it on it's nose at any given time.  I'm not sure where I got 
the 3/16" sizing from, but it was somewhere from way back in past history. 
One thing I'll do differently on the next plane is install a plastic conduit 
that will allow easy brake line replacement, rather than clamping and 
floxing the tubing directly to the spar!

Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
see KR2S project N56ML at http://home.hiwaay.net/~langford
email to N56ML "at" hiwaay.net

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