Hi Netters I have a type 4 complete engine with every thing but the starter on it, I have stripped all the tin and aluminum castings off, it turns over very easily and has oil in the crank case I feel the crank and cam are still fine. It has a nice header type exhaust( one on each side). also have a Great plains prop hub their price $149.95 and VW engine mount $252.95 both are brand new.Sell everything for $700.00. Ray Lee KT2 9763
- KR> (no subject) oldbiker...@aol.com
- KR> (no subject) mplane...@aol.com
- KR> (no subject) Don Chisholm
- KR> (no subject) Red
- KR> (no subject) Harry James
- KR> (no subject) Don Chisholm
- KR> Type 4 engine Mark Langford
- KR> (no subject) R. Eason Sr.
- KR> (no subject) mplane...@aol.com
- KR> (no subject) oldbiker...@aol.com
- KR> (no subject) oldbiker...@aol.com
- KR> (no subject) oldbiker...@aol.com
- KR> (no subject) mplane...@aol.com
- KR> (no subject) Kasey Heffernan
- KR> i39, Richmond, Madison Flyin this Saturday... Dana Overall
- KR> Fire Retardant Resin Additive Phil Matheson
- KR> Fire Retardant Resin Additive Mark Wegmet
- KR>New Email address PHILLIP MATHESON
- KR>Tap plastics resin Fred Johnson
- KR> (no subject) Kasey Heffernan
- KR> (no subject) Kasey Heffernan