Usually when it's slow heated and decrystalized it's OK, try a test piece first 

Don Chisholm <> wrote:
  if you want a definitive answer go on the manufacturers website and if your 
answer is not there, there will be a phone # listed. Phone them and ask them. 
There is no set answer for every resin as some only have a years shelf life wrote: Here's a question for the net. I looked in the archive 
for info on epoxy 
shelf life, but didn't find much. My concern is knowing that the epoxy is safe 
use or not. I purchased all the materials to build my KR2 in '97 and that gave 
me a lot of time for the epoxy to sit. I have completed the tail section 
without too much problem, but if the resin is stored for an extended period as 
now it crystallizes and requires slow heating to decrystalize it. I also am 
needing a better more confident method of mixing the correct ratio on the Dow 
system 330 from Wicks. Should I scrap the 6 remaining gallons and use something 
else or just buy some new hardener or any other suggestions would be 
>>PS Mark L., do you still have your original Type 4. I am considering 
strongly using one instead of the 2180, estimated to install next summer.
Mike Simpson
Hillsborough NC
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