Barry Kruysen wrote: > PROBLEM: During climb I have to use a lot of right rudder, during cruise > a > bit less right rudder but still some pressure is required. On decent the > rudder load is neutral. > Also in cruise and on decent I cannot get enough forward trim and 2 up I > never have enough forward trim.
Sounds like you need some trim tabs on one of your ailerons and you rudder. S piece of aluminum maybe 3" x 6" tall, bent to create a 1.5" by 6" tab, which is then screwed to the control surface. Then keep bending until you get it perfect for cruise and you'll be able to fly it hands off after that. Most folks have to do something like that, so don't feel bad. My first few flights required so much left rudder that my leg hurt before I landed. Now I only need a little trim on takeoff or during a really steep descent... Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama see KR2S project N56ML at email to N56ML "at" at