I had an RV-7 try to chase me the other day. I would
slow down to 150 mph and he would come up on my wing.
I would let him settle in and the start slowly moving
the throttle forward at about 170 mph He would peel
off. I found out from some folks on the ground later
that he told them he could not keep up. ( He would not
tell me). I think I need to find a sign that say,s I

--- Mark Langford <n5...@hiwaay.net> wrote:

> Ron Lee wrote:
> > For a person who has never flown a KR and is about
> to is it
> > common for anyone to get that newbie proficient in
> KR flight to
> > include take-offs and landings?
> I've only landed an RV-6 once, and that was on the
> way back from the Pine
> Bluff Gathering a few years ago, so I can't talk
> about landing one compared
> to a KR.  But the KR isn't hard to land as long as
> you know what indicated
> speed that particular KR lands at.  Lots of folks
> will be quick to tell you
> that a KR is a sweet landing airplane, including
> Troy Petteway, who's flown
> them all.
> As luck would have it, I flew an RV-6 today.  It was
> actually more pitch
> sensitive than my KR, had more sensitive ailerons
> than my KR, and the
> rudders felt like they required about three times
> the force as my plane
> requires to make anything happen.  The biggest thing
> I noticed about the
> RV-6's IO-360 was that it nowhere near as smooth as
> a 6-cylinder Corvair.
> I'll bet landing an RV-6 is a lot like landing a KR,
> and they wheel land
> RV's as a rule too, according to the guy I flew with
> today.  Maybe I need to
> get on board and perfect wheel landing the KR...
> Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
> see KR2S project N56ML at
> http://home.hiwaay.net/~langford
> email to N56ML "at" hiwaay.net
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