The puzzle here is that Joe was having no trouble before the anual with his mixture. This started after he worked on it. I think Bill Clapp is running the same set up on his carb with no problems. For some reason it doesn't appear that you are getting enough fuel to the carb. Possibilities: fuel flow restriction-- trash/blockage ect... insuffecent vent --blockage or located in a neg or low pressure zone restricting fuel flow--don't think this is it as he can do it on the ramp linkage--check the mix control cable to see that is is secured correctly. Mike Turner Jackson Mo > Joe, > I would just remember to push full rich before advancing throttle, or > advance the throttle very slowly. Actually, by the time you converted to > the Ellison, it would have cost you closer to $1000 unless you are already > running pumps.
>> All I can tell you is that with the Ellison, I have exactly the same >> problem > Dan - That's not encouraging- I figured if all else failed that $800 > would fix everything with a new ellison. > > Joe Horton, Coopersburg, PA. > >