Bobby wrote:

>When the engine quit for real, it amazed me how fast it
> came down with a prop stopped.

That's interesting, because conventional wisdom is that planes glide better 
with the prop stopped than with it idling or windmilling, so I've always 
used my idling glide rates as "worst case".  See for 
more on drag produced by windmilling props, or idling props.  The small 
diameter props and high compression engines that we use on KRs won't 
windmill anyway, so engine-off glide should be better than idling glide.  I 
haven't proven that yet, but once it gets warmer and shock cooling isn't as 
bad, I plan to test that one too.

Anybody want to give me a speech on shock cooling?

Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
see homebuilt airplane at
email to N56ML "at"

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