I truly know this could start a "I've done this", "I've heard guy do this", 
"I know a guy, who knows a guy, who has a cousin, whose sister went to 
school with guy who heard you could do this" thread..................but, if 
you are in a airplane with me, mine or yours, instrument checkride, 
commercial training, sunday flying, IF I have a pilot in the right seat, or 
here lately the rear seat, I ALWAYS, EVERY flight, say before I advance the 
throttle, "It's my airplane first 500 ft. we land straight ahead or call a 
field on your side MY AIRPLANE, 500-750 my call MY AIRPLANE, over 750 we 
return to the airport MY AIRPLANE.  This is not the time for discussion, it 
is the time for immediate action. I want to have this "conversation" while 
still on the gound with everything normal, not arguing at 560', you are the 
pilot, it is not time for discussion it is a time for timely decision 
making, nothing more. Climb at your V speeds, altitude is your friend, low 
and hot at a treetop climb is NOT your friend, fun but not very friendly.

Since it is a nice quite Saturday here Richmond, I'll give a little post 
Friday update (since it doesn't seem you guys have been taking advantage of 
that free airplane ((no politics)) forum.  I know I'll probably get some 
private........we hate metal airplane hate emails:-)

As some are aware of I lived in a 31', twin pullout, 5th. wheel RV while 
Elaine and I built our new home.  Needless to say I didn't get any work done 
on the RV BUT.  As you see in my signature line I changed engines from the 
rotary to an O 360 A1A.  Why you ask??  I have a couple flying requirements. 
  I will be flying formation with FFI cardholders and have set a goal to fly 
in waivered airspace at Oshkosh next year as part of the show.  The team 
travels to airshows constantly during the spring, summer and fall months.  
With the emergance of the various experimental O 360 engines to the market, 
ie, Superior, Titan, Mattituck XP and such, the experimental market has 
"opened" up for the 100's of overhaul shops around the country.  They see a 
market for improving upon old Lyc technology.  In flying long distance in 
formation, it was going to make life much easier if I could tweak the fuel 
flow with the prop and still cruise at the 185 figure at somewhere around 10 
gallons per hour.  I wasn't going to be able to do that with the rotary.  I 
say the need for prop braking.  On the initial overhead break at show 
center, you want the ability to brake with the prop to keep you tight, helps 
you and the man behind you.  Plus the "firewall" forward install wasn't gong 
as fast as I need it to go.  I still think the rotary is a great choice, 
just at this time I need to look elsewhere.

Just as a side note.  At my flyin two weeks ago..........you guys need to 
stop in..........I took a guys Super 8, (RV-8 IO540 constant speed) for a 
turn.  INCREDIBLE.  Power in, tail up, 300 ft. up we go, nothing but sky, 
full power straight and level up we go, vertical until the airplane just 
starts pivoting on the prop, full left rudder, the most beautiful hammerhead 
I have seen been a part
of:-)  Prop a little bite, up 20, unload the wings,  full left using again 
the P factor...........around the $#%$#$%#$% spinner we go, HUM we hare back 
to straight and level still 10 degrees nose up.  LIFE IS GOOD:-)  I now see 
why guys build Harmon or F1 rockets.  Sorry got lost in dreamland.

Anyway looking at o 360 C/S setups, I was initially discouraged in what I 
found.  Everything was either 8000TT, 2000SMOH at 8K or 436TT 17K, or new 
Titan ECI kit, no accessories 14.5K.  The new blended C/S prop was going to 
run me OEM $5800...............my wallet does not fatten that much, in my 
dreams but not in reality. I don't need a certified engine.  There are all 
kinds of basement builders out there who will supply you with a "know this 
is not a certified engine, but it conforms to all standards, no I know the 
TT on the case, yes, the crank has been turned...I think 6K, no the mags are 
not overhauled.....you know much that costs, WOW (that was his comment) 
SO.........I started checking the overhaul shops.  Here is where I ended up. 
  Case 2100TT, cranks standard, new standard bearings, gears, tweaked cam, 
new mags, overhaul carb, new Titan ECI cyl with rings and pistons, all bolts 
and hardware, overhauled prop hud (lastest hub model), 2000TT overhauled 
blades 7666 black with gold tips................14.5K, I assemble.  I like 
the idea of me assembling so I know what is in there.  Now while 14.5K is a 
lot of money we now live in the house with 5th. wheel for 
sale.............know you see where I'm going....and it ain't camping!!

Project update.  Black Magic in now in my basement with the wings on it, 
setting on the new dynafocal O 360 engine mount with the gear mounted 
including brakes.  I am setting the incidence and running fuel and vent 
lines from the fuselage to the wing.  All lines are run, I just need to work 
out my connections.  This weekend I will be mounting the flaps and setting 
up my linkage.  Sunday evening I should be able to hit the switch and see 
flap movement.  Ailerons by next weekend then the wings come off for nothing 
but firewall forward.

I'm starting to feel it!!!!!!!

OH, by bad........I'll pick up the fiberglass cowling this morning......does 
that qualify as fiberglass work???????

Dana Overall
1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host
Richmond, KY i39
RV-7 slider, Imron black, "Black Magic"
O 360 A1A, C/S C2YK-1BF/F7666A4
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