
I have been doing some deep thinking about the state of my bird. I purchased 
it about 50% finished. DD wings... hydro breaks... the boat is on tri 
gear... came with an E81 subaru w/ mount. ( in pieces).

The plane itself is a KR2... the building of it was started before the S was 
around... the person ( steve knight ) did a great job building it.. he 
streched it 14 in at the back end nothing out front. Other then that.. its 

I am 5'8" about 220.. yes a big boy... the probem that I see... is the plane 
is too wide for a single place.. and too narrow for a 2 place.
I bought a 2180D-turbo( was told it belonged to steve aldermans )  with the 
matching cowling... it does not match the current firewall.
While the workmanship of the plane thus far is good.. I didnt receive any 
documentation on the existing construction...

I am thinking about stripping off all the hardware on the exiting fus and 
starting over. There is nothing wrong with the plane... but this is why.

1.I am worried about getting the repairmans cert becuase I have not built 
enough of the plane myself.
2. Because I dont know the status of the inside of the spars.
3. I would have to rebuild the firewall to be able to use the coweling I 
have, I really dont like the shape of the existing deck.
4. The plane is too wide or too narrow for what i would like to use it 
5. The tail feathers a stock, I would have to rebuild them to help in the 
stability. I am a new pilot, still a student, at this point.. and need a 
plane that is going to be as forgiving as possible. I am a few years off 
before flying it.. but never the less...
6. With all of the new mods, I beilieve I would be able to increase the 
speed of the plane, with out any additional weight gain.
7. The plane is a trike... i can drop about 25 lbs today by getting rid of 
the existing nose gear set up. Its using the nose gear off of a BD5 and 2 
2x2 x 1/4 al brackets that hold it on.

The plan is basically this.

1. Build a new boat using the existing hardware wider and longer.
2. The new plane would not use the 3.5 degrees AOI

basically its going to be a new plane.

given the constraints I have mentioned
Any suggestings or ideas?

-Jeff Wilder

  Version: 3.1
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        V-- PS+ PE- Y++ PGP++ t+ 5- X-- R* tv b++ DI++ D++
        G e* h--- r- y+++*

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