While you are waiting for your manual... I know I sent this out just the last week or so, but maybe I wasn't clear about how important it is. I'll try to make it clearer. Anyone wanting information about KRs or building a KR ABSOLUTELY MUST SPEND SOME TIME IN THE FOLLOWING WEBSITES!!!!!!!!! I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO MAKE IT CLEARER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not only is there nearly everything you ever wanted to know about KRs in these sites (which the owners have spent almost as much time building as they did on their KRs, by-the-way) there are links to LOTS of other folk JUST LIKE YOU who are building, have built or are flying KRs. This is a resource you cannot afford to waste! AND REMEMBER, they can remove these websites any time they want and it is ALL GONE! Take a look now. Frank Ross Websites - put them in your "Favorites" file: Mark Langford: http://home.hiwaay.net/~langford/index.html Mark Jones: http://www.flykr2s.com/index.html Dan and Jerrys site: http://krbuilder.org/
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