KR heads
Those of you that have hung your rudder pedals from the shelf in stead of
mounting them on the floor. Were you happy with the height above the floor
that the horizontal made (the bit that your foot rests on)? I have a set of
pedals made to plans and have decided to hang them from the shelf to make
room for the nosewheel well and retract mechanism, but the horizontal
sections are now too low to the floor.
I was wondering what solutions you guys have come up with. I thought by
shortening the arm and keeping the cable attach point the same as the plans
call for (just closer to the horizontal piece now), it will just take a
little more movement at your foot to give the same movement at the rudder. I
can't see this posing any problems, can you? I suppose I could move the
cable attach point further out to compensate but there isn't enough length
left to compensate completely. By measurements I have taken, I will have to
shorten the pedals lever by about 60-70mm.
Dene Collett
KR2S builder
Freelance whisper assembler
South Africa