Barry, The chute takes up most of your firewall space and then some. I did not have enough space on my firewall for the stuff that I needed for normal operations. If anyone is going to contemplate using a chute, you need to first consider where you are going to put it, if it can deploy safely from that location, and if your plane can conduct normal operations with it in that location.
My observation is that if you do not have an otherwise forward CG problem, then, there is really no practical place for a chute in the KR. You either need a baggage area that you can give up to the chute, or you need to design your plane around the space and weight of this chute. This is reading like a "knee jerk" reaction to an awful tragedy that may or may not have been preventable by having a chute. I think these things are a great option, but you must have the right situation or they may cause you more harm than good. See N64KR at - Then click on the pics See you in Mt. Vernon - 2006 - KR Gathering There is a time for building and a time for FLYING and the time for building is over. Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC -------Original Message------- From: Barry Kruyssen List-Post: Date: 10/20/05 17:38:18 I have a Balistic Chute, see my web page to see it installed next to my OLD engine and why I mounted it there.