AUsome +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ > > From: "Joseph H. Horton" <> > Date: 2005/10/19 Wed PM 07:22:37 EDT > To:, > Subject: KR> first flight > > Life is good. > Forecast was for wind yet today but it dawned clear and calm. I had to > take one of the kids to school today so I was going to be late for work > anyway. I got to the airport around 8:20am and it was still calm. I > called the ground crew and started getting the plane ready. By 9:10 we > had every thing ready and a briefing done. I started her up and let it > warm up a few minutes and taxied to 29 for a high speed taxi first and > then the plan was to come back around and do the flight on the second > run. After a run up and instrument check I called for a high speed taxi > on 29. That was about the end of the flight plan that was laying on the > seat beside me. I gave it about 1/2 throttle to start the roll and then > slowly gave it the rest. the roll and track felt so good that I left the > throttle full a quick scan showed all the numbers good and only a couple > seconds latter she leaped from the runway. I had to only correct for a > very slight wing drop and she was climbing at 90 mph and somewhere around > 1000' per minute. Pitch was absolutely a non issue and the roll response > was rock steady. I was at pattern altitude about a 1/4 mile off the > runway end, at 2000' on crosswind and 3000' while turning downwind. I > leveled off at 3000' and just settled in. All the temps stayed low. 300 > deg. was the highest cylinder in climb. oil was 175 deg. and exhaust was > around 1150 deg. I worked on slow flight and into power off stalls but > did not take her to a full stall. I just wanted to get the out side > picture in my head. > I did a little bit of full throttle but backed off at 140 mph indicated. > I saw that the wind was starting to move on the ground so I > worked my way down to pattern and went for a landing. I nailed the > numbers for speed and decent on pattern. 90 downwind, 80 x-wind and > turned finial feeling pretty good. The glide lights were good, looked at > the speed and it had jumped to 110 mph. I stayed with it down to the > threshold and I was way to fast and heat from the ground was giving me > fits. I was all over the place. By then I figured that I had scared the > runway into submission and I applied power and climbed out with out any > other trouble. I went around and did it again but toke power out sooner > on finial and crossed the end at about 80mph. Things were still a little > rough but we stayed on centerline. It floated further than I wanted but I > managed to plant her real solid on the runway and roll out with room to > spare. (3200' runway) > I'm a pretty happy guy right now and it is more a feeling of relief. Ya > all keep at it The big day is worth it. > > Joe Horton, Coopersburg, PA. > +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Steven Phillabaum KR2S; 5048; corvair; Auburn, Alabama