I received the following from Yodd at Todd's Canopies. I'm sure he will not mind. I asked him for the best way to clean his canopy on my kr and his reply is listed below Phil Matheson, --------------------------------- I did not recieve your last email. Thankyou for emailing me again.
I visited your interesting website. What do you clean the canopy with? May I start with what not to clean it with? Don't use any hosehold cleaners. They probably have chemicals that will attack the plastic. Use cleaners that are made for plastic. A lot of them not only clean, they polish the plastic and take all the static charge. I use Novus products. Novus #1 is a cleaner, polisher and anti static agent. Novus #2 is a rubbing compound for fine scratches. With a cottom cloth and this, one can make scratches that are not to deep, disappear. Novus #3 is a courser compound for deeper scratches. Use #3, then #2. If they don't have Novus products in Australia, I'm sure there are products there that do the same thing. Some rubbing compounds made for polishing cars do the same thing as Novus #2. You may want to experiment with these on a scrap piece of plastic. Thanks again for the business! Todd Silver www.toddscanopies.com --------------------------------------------------- Phil Matheson mathes...@dodo.com.au VH-PKR ( Phil's KR) 61 3 58833588 Australia.( Down Under) See My KR2 Building Web Page at: http://mywebpage.netscape.com/flyingkrphil/VHPKR.html See our VW Engines and Home built web page at http://www.vw-engines.com/ www.homebuilt-aviation.com/ http://corvair.vw-engines.com/