`I guess I'm not too sure if I will make the gathering this year. Joanne is in the hospital after a fall two weeks ago. The fall didn't do much harm,(broken nose), but when checking for breaks with x-ray, MRI and CT scan, they found that she had a rare parasite in her that caused abscess inside on her gall bladder, her liver and under her heart. She had been sick for a few days and we were on our way to the Dr's. office when she fell. She was supposed to get out of the hospital last Wed. but this morning they gave her a blood transfusion so I'm not sure how long she will be in there and what kind of care she will need when she gets out. I've got a room paid for at the Americas Best Motel, for Thurs. Fri. & Sat. nights if some one needs a room. Patrick Driscoll Saint Paul, MN patric...@usfamily.net
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