>I know everyone is tuned in to Osh. right now but I would like to start
setting up for the adult beverages at the gathering.
>Patrick Driscoll

Gathering attendees,

Don't forget, the OFFICAL AIRPORT POLICY at Mt.Vernon is "NO
ADULT BEVERAGES" are allowed on the airport.  We didn't have
any problems last year but whatever plans are made, keep it on
ice and UNDER COVER at the camp site area.  Everyone was
well behaved and sociable last year and above all, had a good
time at the end of the day talking KR's and whatever at the 
campsite.  I'm sure it will be just as enjoyable this year.  The 
airport does have a night security guard but he didn't give us
any trouble either last year when he rolled by the campsite a
time or two.  I live 50 miles from Mt.Vernon and I'm not sure
what sources are there for "adult beverages" but there is probably
info on the net.  If you don't mind, I'd rather not have any "offical
personal responsibility" in that area of the social agenda. If we
get busted, I guess we can tell them we were told not to drink
the lake water so we made other arrangements!   :-)

You're all adults, just use common sense and have a good time.

Larry Flesner
Host - 2005 KR Gathering

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