For comparison, my KR-2 weighs 620 lbs empty, has tricycle gear with home 
made wheel pants (but no fairings), wasn't built super clean (or straight) 
in general, has a very blunt cowl (with bumps for spark plugs and engine 
mount), has Diehl wings and is powered by an A65 with a 3 blade prop.   All 
this and it still goes twice the speed of a Cub with the same engine and it 
only weighs a little less.  This is due to less drag, and mine certainly 
isn't the cleanest KR around.

Ken Jones,
Sharonville, OH
N5834, aka The Porkopolis Flying Pig

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "wilder_jeff Wilder" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2005 12:42 AM
Subject: KR> KR speed

> Can someone explain to me why it is that there is such a gap in the top 
> end
> speed of KR's... ( HP aside )

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