Congratulations Al , what did you use to replace the cracked landing gear? 
Did Grove come through for you or did you repair the crack? Sure was good to 
see you and several of the other KR guys at Arlington. Sorry I missed 
Adrian's KR this year. I guess John didn't stay long with it because of the 
weather. Well I made my reservations for the KR Gathering today finally. Any 
chance of you flying yours to this years get together?

Bud Midkiff
Lynnwood, WA

 I took off at 9:20 am for a 1 hour flight in the local mountains.
 It took quite a while to climb to 9000 feet, as I was crossing over a
 glacier I had a bit of a scare.
 The RPM started dropping from 3000 to 2900 in about 3 seconds.
 I pulled out the carb heat and after about 15 seconds the RPM came back
 More proof the a POSA carb can experience carb ice, it was probably in
 the intake manifold.

 Al Hawkins
 Port Coquitlam, B.C.

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