If any of you builders need some motivation, go rent an airplane and get some time in right before sunset when the air is so calm it's like flying a flight simulator with real world graphics. AWSOME !!
Most of my time in the KR lately has been in the bumpy daytime air with crosswinds. This evening I went out and played a bit before leaving town for five days. I was doing wingovers, pull-ups with pushovers to zero g's, circling approachs at idle from 2500 feet, landing one direction, taking off the other, doing cotton patch turns at 500 feet and right back in to land. The KR is ONE SWEET FLYING MACHINE !!!!! 145 hours and still grinnin'............... After an 8 way gps run this evening, my "official position" on the speed increase on switching from 600X6 back to 500X5 wheels is that I gained 3 mph in the 155 to 160 mph range. Oh yea, when playing around the airport at 2500 I saw an aircraft approaching. When it got close it looked like a DC3. I did a quick 180 and tried to do an intercept. I was about 1/4 mile behind and couldn't catch it but it was not pulling away either. I gave up after a few miles, locked the guns [ :-) ] and headed back to home base. HOW GOOD CAN IT GET ????????? Larry Flesner