I had a similar experience last year at the Copperstate Fly-In. Steve Glover had a guy talking to him about his KR. They guy said he had started building a KR once, but had sold the project to a guy in NM named Scott. Steve pointed back about three rows behind where he was parked and suggested that he come check out my KR. Yep, it was the gentleman that had started the project that I had bought and finished. He was like a proud papa as he crawled all over the plane showing his friends the plane and snapping photos of it. It was a very enjoyable experience meeting up with him again and him getting to see his dream finished and flying.
Jeff Scott Los Alamos, NM -- "Brian Kraut" <brian.kr...@engalt.com> wrote: Thanks for sharing that. Amazing how a plane can touch you. I just got this email yesterday from the daughter of the man I bought the Stang from and it nearly brought a tear to my eyes. I knew when I bought the plane that he just wanted to see it finished and in the air. Inspiring people to finish and fly their planes before they just give up or loose their medical is a noble cause and you are certainly doing your part. There is nothing more satisfying than flying something that you created.