Glad to hear your still having fun Mark.  The YEEHAWS are coming  faster now. 
 In your enthusiasm dont forget to do a couple good thorough  inspections.  
Have you tackled any of the discrepancies yet...pump, fuel  level and such?   
Make sure to keep your options and margins open for  emergencies and such.   
Have fun but be cautious too.  Say Hi to  the family from Elaine and me.
    I may be flying to Illinois this weekend for the  fly-in up there if the 
weather is nice.  Maybe Ill stop in - get an in  flight photo for you.
    Well back to work on my "other" corvair - a 1965  Monza - trying to get 
it ready for paint - 

Was it worth all that time building?

Yall get your planes in the air - Im looking for people to fly with on that  
KR pancake fly in ...

Bill and N41768

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