At 10:03 AM 3/24/05 EST, you wrote:
>Just curious if anyone has thought of putting the Pitot tube at the top of  
>the tail, and if that would be far enough out of the way of the prop wash?
>Static ports on both sides of the fuseluge? 
>John Monday

That has been discussed in the past and may very well work.
However, the system outlined in the plans works very well
as proven by 130 flight hours on my KR.  I'm running a 60 inch
prop on the 0-200 so I mounted mine on the inboard end of
the outer left wing.  It appears accurate to within 1 to 3 mph
as measured by my GPS.  My only problem is that I have
a very wide gear and the assembly is close to any wheel
pant I may install.  I have it mounted by two #10 screws to
a hard point(wood) inside the wing so it's easily removable. 
I used 5 minute "J.B.Weld" to mount the tubes together and 
then to the mounting plate which conforms to the wing shape.
When I mount my outer wing I run the hoses into the wing
and out the mounting hole.  I then simply "stuff" the nylon hoses
inside the tubes and insert the extra hose up into the wing 
as I mount the assembly.  Make sure to mark you hoses for
"S" and "P" !!

Trying to reinvent the wheel and the many mod's I made are
two of the reasons it took me 13 years to complete my bird !!
As much as I enjoyed build, flying is definately a lot more fun.

As always, your results may vary...........

Larry Flesner

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