>How many people & planes have registered so far?
>Ken Jones, kenbjo...@cinci.rr.com

The pre-registration web page was just made available this past
weekend and I just announced it's availability today.  I've 
registered and Mark says he has so I guess the answer is 2.
The honest answer is I don't know.  I'll get an update each 
week or two or when I request one from Bob Lee, the site
manager.  I'll keep you posted.  I do hope you intend to bring
"porky" back this year.  

I hope to have a printable flyer available on the Gathering web
page soon.  Please copy and distribute to all your local
airports.  Also, do me a favor.  Contact all your favorite web
sites, magazines, chapter news letters, state aviation
newsletters, etc., and give them the Gathering info and
web site address.  I can't hit them all and it won't hurt if 
they get the info from one or twenty five or more people.

Give them the dates and web address for more info.
Include my name, phone number, and e-mail address
as a contact.

Larry Flesner
1104 Mockingbird Lane
Carterville, Illinois  62918
Phone  618-985 2373


Larry Flesner

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