Scott Cable <> wrote:Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2005 16:47:09 -0800 (PST) From: Scott Cable Subject: Back in Black! To: Phillip Matheson
Hi Guys & Gals! Nope, haven't flown the coup! just lurking out there for awhile.... I've got a new job in Jamestown, North Dakota. Started today. I've had enough of the "nomad" lifestyle of a contract engineer. The new job is with Goodrich Cargo Systems, and I'll be working on the Airbus A380 Jumbo jet. Goodrich supplies cargo handing systems for Boeing, Airbus and what was McDonnell Douglas. So it's very interesting work. My health has vastly improved over the last several months, getting the new job probably had something to do with that!!!! So in the meantime, once I get moved and settled in, I plan on buying a new set of KR-2S plans and deriving / designing a 4 place KR. I got the idea while visiting Zenith Aircraft Company, in Mexico, MO. when Michelle & I stopped by the factory for a tour. We looked at the CH601, CH701 and CH801. I got really interested in the CH640 it's a 4 place aircraft based on the CH601 and is going to become available as a kit soon. It uses the O-360 for power. I'm thinking maybe O-360 powered 4 place KR? I plan on using the new airfoil which would give me stronger wing spars.... Are there any KR pilot/builders in North Dakota? Phillip Matheson <> wrote: Scott, Nice to hear from you, I figured you flew the coop after selling you KR. Hope your health has improved. All the best Scott Cable KR-2S # 735 Wright City, MO __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around Scott Cable KR-2S # 735 Wright City, MO --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Search presents - Jib Jab's 'Second Term'