At 06:54 PM 1/16/2005, you wrote: >Group, > >I have had an unpleasant conversation with my local DAR. He stated that >once an amateur plane is registered, that builder is the only person that >can have the repairman's certificate for that plane.
It is a correct statement that one experimental can have one person with a repairman's certificate. That does not mean that you can't do your own work on an experimental that you bought from someone else. You can still do your own work but you will need to have either an A&P or the holder of the repairman's certificate do the annual and that is all. This is the way that it has been since the experimental regs can into being in the 50s. Don Reid - donreid "at" Bumpass, Va Visit my web sites at: AeroFoil, a 2-D Airfoil Design And Analysis Computer Program: KR2XL construction: Aviation Surplus: EAA Chapter 231: Ultralights: VA EAA State Fly-in: