AWESOME Barry!! Congratulations, and excellent posts
like yours keep us all going. I wish you many years of
safe, but exciting flying.
--- Barry Kruyssen <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Well, Yesterday, 28th Dec 2004, I did my first
> flight in my KR2 at Atherton Air Strip 2400ft.
> After several false starts it finally all came
> together. The weather was perfect, nil wind and
> silky smooth air. The take off was a little jerky
> but I soon settle down to 90kts for the climb out. I
> climbed through very broken early morning cloud at
> 3500ft to 4500ft all my temps were good, CHT 50F
> below maximum. A few turns straight an level then
> power off and simulate an approach 2000ft above the
> strip, round out to stall, felt soooooo good. Now
> descend and join circuit, the water on the near by
> lake was like a sheet of glass, not a breath of
> wind.  Lined up perfectly. I read somewhere that
> your first landing will be your best and they are so
> right, I greased it on like I'd been doing all my
> life.
> Back to the hanger and my wife.  I went over all the
> suspension bolts, engine mounts, prop bolts and
> anything else that I could check.  All was OK so
> back out to the strip and out for a short circuit, a
> small bounce on the next landing and a very long
> roll out, back track and take off again.  The next
> approach was way to hot and at half strip I went to
> full power went round , this time a much longer
> approach and I notice about 5kts wind at 60 degrees
> to the strip. This was a rough old landing with
> several small bounce. So back to the hanger (and the
> wife) and another though check over.  Half an hour
> air time in total. Yeeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaah and grin
> that will have to be surgically removed, if at all
> possible.
> I have to wash the bottom of the aircraft as I'm
> operating from a grass strip and the early morning
> dew covers the bottom with water and grass, etc.
> This morning, 29th Dec 2004, I woke well before sun
> up, Doh.
> Out to strip, pre flight the KR2, perfect weather.
> A quick circuit with a near perfect landing (not as
> good as the first one), back track and take off
> again heading for our ceiling height of 6500ft.
> Now for some stats.
>     Engine is a 2.2L Jabiru 4 cylinder - total
> engine time only 1.3 hours on the ground, engine red
> line at 3300 RPM
>     Prop is a Richard Sweetapple 56 X 56 timber prop
>     Static RPM is 2800
>     Initially max RPM was 2900, very tight motor.
>     By 2.7 hours max RPM had increased to 3000.
>     Best climb is 980ft/min at 80kts but the CHT's
> are climbing.
>     Ideal climb is about 750ft/min at 100kts, Oil
> temp of 100C and CHT temp of 290F
>     Cruise at 115kts no wheel spats or cover strips
> and still 2 big holes where the retract gear came
> from.
> 6 touch and goes and then run low on fuel, all not
> to bad. Only 40 Litres capacity and I was down to
> 15L so back to the hanger and another check all
> over. I cann't get refueled to this afternoon. :-(
> Next flight is planned for tomorrow (or maybe late
> this afternoon).
> Regards
> Barry Kruyssen
> Cairns, Australia
> RAA 19-3873 
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Portage, WI

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