Gentlemen & Ladies of the KRNET I am proud to anounce that N96TA successfully completed her first flight at KSFB at approximately 1730 hours today ( 5:30pm). The plane did great as far as flight controls, no over control problems with elevator, and engine ran great. 2 successive high speed taxi tests resulted in very positive feel, and lift off/touchdown in ground effect showed very positive feel, very stable. Climb out was slow due to primary ignition system failure, but Slick Magneto provided enough power for a 300-400fpm climb, but the amazing part was the speed in downwind! WOW! When I leveled out the midfield call to the tower disappeared. I was at the numbers before I knew it! The speed brake worked great! If you have an original KR and you don't have flaps or belly board, get at least a belly board. I started worrying I wouldn't slow down until I pulled the brake on in base leg, and then Holey %^&&, man did it slow down! I applied 25degrees on base and the nose dropped and speed adjusted just like I wanted, then final and 50 degrees and the plane came down as if on rails straight to the numbers as good as any plane I have flown! I have flown 26 models of aircraft and our KR2 is one of the few that did EXACTLY what you tell it to do with the controls! And this all without the benefit of an airspeed indicator. It malfunctioned and was reading 200MPH on final! Sooooo, I know it needs replacing, must have went bad during the wait for the FAA (wonder if I could send them the bill ).
YEEEEEEHHHAAAAAAAAAA............ Dang it feels good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Southeastern Flyin and Sun n' Fun here we come! Again, Thank you all, Dan Heath, Mark J, Mark L, Dean Cooper, Brian Kraut, Larry Flesner, Jim Ferris for helping move it, and all the other netters ( if I left anybody out sorry ) that have assisted in getting to this point. Keep building, its worth the payoff!!!!! Dang I'm exhausted......hahahaha..... Colin & Bev Rainey KR2(td) N96TA Sanford, FL