At 04:47 PM 11/10/04 -0500, you wrote:
>You can make that turtle deck fit anything you want. Just cut the lip off of
>the front, make a frame that it is to fit to.
>Daniel R. Heath - Columbia, SC

I went the other way.  I fit a KR2 turtle deck to my 24" stretched
fuselage.  I installed (glassed) it to the fuselage with the forward
end raised approx 3/4".  When cured, I split it down the middle
all the way to the tail, reshaped it and extended it forward to my
turtle deck bow.  I closed the top split using a thin piece of lumber
covered with duct tape.  I laid a glass strip on the board and wetted it 
with epoxy.  I inserted it inside the turtle deck and held it in place on
the bottom side with screws from the top.  When that cured I filled
and glassed the top side.  The lumber peeled right off the bottom

As always, Your results may vary............

Larry Flesner

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