> >That's a thing to have do we have to pre-order or will there be plenty at >the gathering?? > ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
I presently have orders for about 40 to 45 hats and I'm having 65 made so you can speak for one now or take your chances at the Gathering. I can get more if there is enough interest. I think I mentioned earlier that the shirts would also be navy in color but I changed that to grey with the stitching on the logo in navy to match the hats and the red KR with the white comet tail. I've already gotten orders for 100+ shirts and I'm having 120 made. I'll hold the stock for those that have requested shirts and hats until Saturday noon. If not picked up by then they will go on public sale. The shirts have a pocket and collar and I think you'll like them. I'll post a picture when I get them. Jim Faughn is working on a song I wrote for the KR builders / fliers wives to be performed at the Saturday night awards banquet. How many days??????? Larry Flesner 2004 Gathering host