Remember, I was having problems with my flexplate slapping the starter teeth at 2500 rpm? I do not have that problem any longer.!!! Today, I pulled my engine, removed the flexplate, inspected it for cracks, made a 6" diameter squash plate, bolted that to the flexplate with four bolts, then bolted the whole assembly back on my engine, safety wired it all, ran the engine and wah more slapping the starter teeth at 2500 rpm. As a matter of fact, it was music to my ears to run the engine through the entire static rpm range of 650 rpm idle to 2650 rpm max static and not hear that awful noise. After several cycles of the throttle and feeling like a kid playing with a new toy, I shut her down and climbed out with a big grin on my face.I can only imagine what that grin will be like after the first flight. I am getting real close to taking the fuselage to the airport. All I have left to do is install the seat belts and elt antenna. I may just take it to the airport next weekend. The trailer is sitting in my back yard just waiting to get hooked up.
Mark Jones (N886MJ) Wales, WI USA E-mail me at Visit my KR-2S CorvAIRCRAFT web site at