> > > I want to buy, or complete a KR2S project that has been "STRETCHED" as
> > >follows: 4" forward of the front spar, 14" aft of the rear spar, cabin
> > >width of 40" (inside), and raised 3". Are any available?
> > >Dick Goff       dcg...@webtv.net

> Isn't this a description of a completed / all most completed plane?  Like
> maybe Mark L.s?  or yours Larry?

Mine is not stretched at all forward of the spar, only 4" aft of the spar,
has a cabin width of 38.5" at the widest point, and is (from what I can tell
from side views in the plans) stock canopy height.  The chances of finding
that exact plane (not to mention whether or not the builder would sell it)
is absolute zero.

This reminds me of some posts where the question is specifically posed to
such a small segment of builders that there is nobody that is qualified to
answer it, so therefore it's never answered.  I think the requirements need
to be reworded to allow some flexibility...

Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
N56ML "at" hiwaay.net
see KR2S project at http://home.hiwaay.net/~langford

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