I actually prefer Divinycell over Last-A-Foam for most applications. PVC Foam = Divinycell (rigid PVC)
Clark Foam = Last-A-Foam (unicellular polyurethane) Larry A Capps Naperville, IL "You're just jealous because the voices don't talk to you." -----Original Message----- This may be a naïve question as I have not seen (touched) the stuff you call Lastofoam (Divinicel?). Maybe this is a mechanically stronger polyU, but the stuff locally available is very fragile - I can poke my finger all the way into it without much effort and the surface readily crumbles almost to a dust when rubbed - not an ideal surface to glue anything to. My wife uses it for flower arrangements. Styrofoam has its own draw backs in that Vinyl Ester resins (and most solvents /avgas) will attack it.