
There's nothing special about my KR.  See the 2002 gathering photos for
pictures of it.

It's a -2S that was started before there were -2S plans.  Consequently,
it is really a stock -2 with a 14" stretch in the fuselage and a
streamlined canopy..  The only thing significantly different is that I
have my CG farther forward than most.  I haven't done a CG calculation on
the plane in a couple of years, but can tell you that it will go well
over gross before I can get it out of the CG range.  I also do not
consider the aft 2" of the CG range specified in the plans to be usable. 
Consequently, since I know that it is always in an acceptable CG range, I
don't bother to calculate it.  I can tell you that it is normally in the
front 2" of the CG range specified in the plans and would have been
within that range on this flight.


On Sat, 17 Jul 2004 20:10:08 -0400 "Kenneth B. Jones"
<> writes:
> Jeff,
> I would be interested to know what, if any, modifications your KR 
> has that
> might be responsible for its better than average stability?  Is it a 
> KR2 or
> 2S?  Where was your CG vs the aft face of the forward spar (or some 
> other
> reference) during the recent "hands off" stability check?
> Thanks,
> Ken Jones
> N5834
> > Larry, et al,
> >
> > Just to make sure I wasn't halucinating about having flown my KR 
> hands
> > off, yesterday morning I flew it hands off from Los Alamos to 
> Taos, NM.
> > 50 miles.  Could have easily gone much further.  I climbed to 
> 9500',
> > trimmed the plane for 150 mph cruise, then flew it hands off for 
> 50 miles
> > using fuel transfer from the wings to the header tank to keep the 
> plane
> > properly trimmed.  I was able to maintain within 50' of altitude 
> for the
> > trip.
> >
> > My CG is a bit more forward than most, which probably enhances 
> the
> > stability.
> >
> > Jeff
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