>From: "Colin & Bev Rainey" <crain...@cfl.rr.com> > >Dynon makes a great unit and if VFR is your only goal than all is good. If >IFR is your goal than it is not IFR for stand alone use. It must be backed >up by all analog gauges or 2 electrical systems in the event of electrical >failure of the primary.
Colin, I'm not going to get into a KR and IFR debate as most know how I feel. However, the above statement is not correct and I just want to correct this thought. The Dynon used as an artificial horizon satisfies the required equipment list as is, this is not a portion of the regs that must meet the "IFR approved" equipment for the ground facilities to be used requirement. Just wanted to clear that up. In my case I do not have an alternate horizon as it is not required but am using as essential bus electrical system just for my satisfaction as well as an autopilot totally independant of the horizon. You will get conflicting versions all around this issue but it is really pretty cut and dry. Dana Overall 1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host Richmond, KY i39 RV-7 slider, Imron black, "Black Magic" Finish kit 13B Rotary. Hangar flying my Dynon. http://rvflying.tripod.com/aero1.jpg http://rvflying.tripod.com/aero3.jpg http://rvflying.tripod.com/blackrudder.jpg do not archive