Even the gee whiz Sirius machines and Cessna 182 glass cockpits are required to have the analog gauges. Still in transition...
Sid Wood, Tri-gear KR-2 N6242 Mechanicsville, MD USA sidney.w...@titan.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dynon makes a great unit and if VFR is your only goal than all is good. If IFR is your goal than it is not IFR for stand alone use. It must be backed up by all analog gauges or 2 electrical systems in the event of electrical failure of the primary. True all electric panels have been used for years in the jets but with redundant electricals. Even more weight.... Every choice has its own compromises, choose whatever best suits you... Come inspector please call back.... Colin & Bev Rainey KR2(td) N96TA Sanford, FL crain...@cfl.rr.com http://kr-builder.org/Colin/index.html