I have seen reference to a "smog pump" on several occasions - hoped that it would become obvious at some point and save me from showing my ignorance - what is a smog pump?
Steve J -------------------- Smog pump is the reference to a small belt driven air pump that was used in the 70s and 80s cars to inject fresh air into the exhaust ahead of the catalytic converter to help the converter to burn off the left over hydrocarbons in the engine exhaust. If one was to use the inlet side of this pump, it makes a nice little vacuum pump. Owen McPherson appears to have this setup on his VW powered KR. <http://webhome.idirect.com/~omacphe/baffl_09.jpg> Re: regulating vacuum. If the vacuum can exceed the rating for your gyros, you probably need to use a vacuum regulator. The KR Gathering is the place to see all these kinds of innovations in use. Jeff Scott +++++++++++++++++++ ________________________________________________________________ The best thing to hit the Internet in years - Juno SpeedBand! Surf the Web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER! Only $14.95/ month - visit www.juno.com to sign up today!