What does "slat or flute" mean?
I believe that bad information is worse than no information.


Hey Dan - your word is better, replace slat with tab.  That is the one
you tried before and it is the one I will use - mounted on a wee plate
maybe 1" x 3" over a slot in the LE 3/4" x 2" that will allow some
adjustment (up or down) to find the right location.  I saw some
brilliant graphic material (in colour) on the AS wing sections somewhere
- would make it easy to get the tab very close to the correct position
first time.

If you want to try again, I can run a simulation on the RAF48 just
before stall and at stall - send you the results (in acrobat format).
>From this you could also get the tab pretty close - then fine tune it by
flight testing.

The flute was an innovative trick whereby Cessna figured out exactly
where to locate an aperture in the leading edge, with a "tunnel" to the
cockpit that had a reed in it.  Under the correct conditions, the air
pressure would force air through the tunnel and the reed would start
chirping 12" from your left ear.  Brilliant, amazingly accurate and no
power required.

I totally agree - rather have no info than bad info.  A watch that gains
5 minutes a day is only correct once every 4 years - if you take out the
battery, it is correct twice a day !!!

I really enjoy your web site - often visit for inspiration and ideas.

Steve J

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