Edward Increased drag alone would not cause the nose to drop if one replaced the thrust to counter the additional drag, since there would be no change in angle of attack. The nose down tendency is due to a change in the position of the Center of Pressure (lift) relative to the Center of Gravity. The speed brake below the aircraft fuselage creates a small amount of lift, and that adds to the wing lift, but with the brake attached to the rear spar, causes the CP to move aft, and lift the tail slightly, giving better visibility. By simply increasing drag yes you do slow the aircraft making for a steeper descent, and if the same speed is maintained with additional thrust, then your glide remains the same, just with additional thrust required so no real benefit until thrust is reduced. IF thrust is not added, but the angle of attack is reduced to replace the lost thrust and gravity provides that momentum, then you do benefit from the additional drag with better visibility and steeper/shorter glide angle. The additional drag also helps in transition due to the drag helping to lessen the performance increase seen in ground effect which reduces the floating.
All new builders I strongly recommend some form of drag/lift inducing device be added to your aircraft, and built aircraft it would be worth the time to modify them for one. It is a comment in the Airplane Flying Handbook that if every approach requires slipping the aircraft then that is bad planning by the PIC and he should correct his pattern techniques. Not my comment but food for thought. Oh and just for the record, I am so short in all planes, that I never see the runway on landing in front of the aircraft if attempting any kind of a full stall landing such as a 152, or 172 so I don't know what it is like to see the runway in these aircraft! Guess that is why it was so easy for me to get my taildragger endorsement. I have always used my peripheral vision and S-turning on taxi, and landing to be able to see! Price you pay for being 5'4"!!!! Colin & Bev Rainey KR2(td) N96TA Sanford, FL crain...@cfl.rr.com http://kr-builder.org/Colin/index.html