>Larry >Does your speed brake result in a greater nose down attitude than just using flaps alone? I guess it depends on just where it is hinged. Does it contribute to lift/stall speed at all? >John Martindale +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
I don't have flaps installed so I can't say. I do suspect that my speed brake gives me more drag than the average KR flaps installed so it probably does give me a more nose down attitude than just flaps to hold the same airspeed. To my knowledge it does nothing for the stall speed and provides little if any lift. I do get pitch changes and airframe buffeting when the brake is deployed but the pitch change is easily handled, the buffeting is mild, and handling seems not to be affected. When I'm below about 80 mph indicated the buffeting seems to disappear or is at least very light. Our EAA chapter is having a picnic at a private grass strip today. We're having bar-b-que, beans and slaw from a national champion! KR FLYING, BAR-B-QUE, GRASS STRIP.......SOMEBODY PINCH ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Larry Flesner