I am looking for information about supplementing and or replacing the Diehl alternator due to the electrical requirements that I have for full electrics, especially for night flying. I do not believe the 20 amp output is going to keep up and want to go with an automotive type alternator that can deliver more along the lines of 45 - 60 amp output. >Colin +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
My alternator is only 12 amps and has managed to keep up with my day VFR requirements without a problem even though I'm running electric fuel pumps. I suspect that if one were to use the new diode replacement lamps for the position lights that a 20 amp alternator is very likely all you will need, even for night VFR. I even connect my alternator output to my secondary battery on a regular basis to keep it charged (charging both batterys at the same time) and my ampmeter continues to show positive deflection. The largest constant load for night flight is the position lights. The landing lights are a very short duration load and should be easily handled by a fully charged battery. All other electrical demands are rather light. Add up all your electrical loads and see what your real needs are. If you are night VFR only and your alternator fails you could probably shut down 95 to 100 percent of your electrical loads and live to tell about it. Leave your strobes on, and electric fuel pumps if necessary, and turn on the radio only when needed and you most likely will run out of fuel before you run out of battery. The failure of a 20 amp or 60 amp alternator puts you in the same lifeboat. As always, your results may vary...... Larry Flesner