>I need to replace a landing light cover. What is the temperature for >forming Lexan to the right shape in the oven? >325? >use an aluminum form? >Larry Severson ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
I made two landing light lenses using "plexiglass". I used the 48" rib template to cut two leadedge forms and attached them to a flat surface (board). I used lightweight alum to overlay the two pieces of wood (separated by the dimention of the lense) and then covered that with felt. The flat plate of "plexiglass" was attached to the mold using clips and the entire unit was placed in the oven. It took maybe 200 F to get the flat plate to start to droop. At that point I removed it from the oven and formed it over the mold wearing soft cloth gloves. I held it in place for a minute of two as it cooled. Presto, lenses!! Larry Flesner