I sincerely hope you are serious about the leather cap and white scarf,
that is SOOOOOOOOOO cool!!!!
>Richard Alps

I'm afraid that's just the "Walter Mitty" in me coming out.  In reality I
do wear just a baseball cap to the airport.

Speaking of which, I played hooky from work yesterday and got in
4 hours of flight time on the KR.  I did some climb test and flew with
additional weight for the first time.  All test went well.

I'll try to remember to post the climb speeds when I get them charted
but it seems the best rate will be somewhere in the 80 to 90 range.
On one test I recall getting 1000 fpm (500feet, 30 seconds).

On the weight I used 50 pound bags of rock salt from the laundry.
I started with one bag, made a flight, added a bag, another flight, etc
until I had flown with three bags with a gross weight of 1200lbs +/-25lbs.
Keep in mind my KR is a 24" stretch.  The handling did not seem to
change much from no weight to 150 lbs in the passenger seat.  I could
tell it was changing but the change was less than I expected.  It
never seemed to feel "skiddish" at any point and I felt comfortable
with the control I had.  As I added weight I made sure I could lift the
tail on takeoff well before I broke ground.  I was ASSUMING that 
would at least give me enough control to return for landing.

I started with the trim set at neutral each time and was watching for
the KR to reach the neutral trim point.  On the 150 lb flight I still
required slight nose up trim.  The landing on that flight required the
trim tab to be set for a very slight nose down trim (tab approx 3 to 5
degrees up) at 80 mph.  I stopped at the 150 lb point and intend to
do another W&B with actual passenger to determine EXACTLY where
I'm at in the C.G. range.  I did find that with 100 lbs my neutral trim
glide speed (controls free, power at idle) is 70 smph indicated.

Rigging:  I mentioned in earlier post that my KR requires considerable
nose up trim at cruise.  I was showing my flying buddy in the Acro
Sport what I had and scared the *&^%$ out of myself.  I set the trim
for neutral and took off and caught up to him.  I held cruise power and
as I passed him I released my grip on the stick and moved my hand
quickly forward to catch the stick.  The nose "tucked" so quickly that
it put me against the straps and the "junk" setting on the passenger
seat lifted 6 inches before the stick hit my hand.  I don't think I'll be
doing that again anytime soon!

After a B.S. session at a local airport the concensus is that the KR
has (A) too much wing incidence and/or (B) not enough negative 
incidence on the horizontal stabilizer or (C) both.  At least that was 
the conclusion about my KR.  The addition of wheel pants will 
probably change that by some factor on my KR.  The additional
trim drag is probably costing me a few mph but hey, I'm still grinning.

Ten T.O's and landings in one day and 47 hours total.  I've probably
flown my KR more in four months than some KR's fly in a lifetime!
I need to make some log entries and hit my first airshow this 
weekend.  YEE HAA............   

Larry Flesner

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