>To my thinking, the next likely suspect tugging the snozzle down is a >fwd CG. Unlike tail heavy, a fwd CG is healthy any day of the week, but >if this is the case it may be useful to know. Is the elevator still >effective right into the stall - a fwd CG could provoke elevator stall >before the wing gets to its stalling angle. Difficult to tell the >difference coz something lets go, the nose drops and we recover into S&L >flight. >Steve ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Steve, Ask away for any test you want. Being the PIC I have the call on whether I do them or not. Besides it gives me an excuse to go flying, as if I need one. I will try the test again without slowing down from cruise speed and see what happens. I intended to try it on a short flight today but after taking off and circling the house once I decided to play about and above the puffy cumulus. Base was about 4500 and tops about 9000. The bird was climbing so well I just leaned the mixture and let it climb. At 9000 and 90 smph indicated I was still showing a solid 500 fpm climb rate. My CHT held at 300F and my oil temp was 190F. I finally shut it down at 10,500. I had maybe 5 to 8 gal of fuel on board at the time so my gross was approx 1025 lbs. I still don't trust my fuel guages and they were getting closer to the big E than I wanted so I made my decent over the airport. I'll try to do some more stalls and check out your question of the tail stalling before the wing. I think I'm getting a wing stall as I'm able to hold altitude right into the stall and the stick displacement is not that far to the rear. I have noted on several stalls that there seems to be a mild airframe buffet when approaching the stall. My stalls seem to be very gentle and I have had either/both wings drop at the stall with the ailerons still effective. I have found that I can't raise a wing with rudder as on a Cessna or Piper. If I am getting a tail stall it is at such a slow airspeed that I suspect it to never be a problem. I'm happy to have an apparent forward C.G. as my W.& B. would indicate. With me and full fuel (25 gal) I'm right at the C.G. midpoint. Since then I've moved my main battery forward approx 10 inches and replaced the tailwheel which took 2 pounds off the tail. I want to start flying with weight to simulate a passanger this week. If all goes well my Tripacer may very well be put up for sale. I'm finding I'm not flying it even when I go to the airport with that intention. It's hard to justify owning two horses when you're only riding one! :-) I've put 500 hour on the Tripe in the last 6 years and she has been one sweet bird. In 500 hours I've never had to cancel a flight or been left stranded anywhere because of mechanical reasons. I'll sure miss her if sold and can only hope my KR is that dependable. Look how many great KR air shots she has given us to enjoy. Larry Flesner