In a message dated 4/13/2004 4:07:25 AM Mountain Daylight Time, writes:

> We were going to do as Mark J. suggests, until the long thread on this
> subject convinced me to locate it outside. I had it just behind the cabin,
> in the boat, on the Little Beast. 

       Was it in Tony Benglis' book about placing it 
       in the same location as the pitot tube?  I've 
       seen a "dual" one on a Pitts before in that 
       there were two tubes, one for the pitot and 
       the other one for the static.  I've made one  
       for my Challenger II that had the pitot tube 
       inside a larger, sealed off, static tube and it 
       seems to work quite well.  

       Jim Hayward
       Rapid City, SD

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