<< To continue with this theme, my pitot tube is located at the top of the
vertical stablizer.  >>

    Ray besides propwash, another factor to consider is the airflow during
the time close to stall when the nose is high and the tail is low such as
landing.  This could affect the airspeed that you read on approach.  My KR,
before flaps, had a high nose attitude on approach.  Your pitot could end up
in both propwash and blocked from normal undisturbed air, both at the same
time.  Some of the sail planes that you mention may have a longer fuselage
then the KR, assuring that the top of the verticle is in clean air.  My
pitot is under the right wing outside of propwash.  The static is attached
to the pitot, though about 1/2" aft of the pitot opening.  My airspeed is
always accurate.
Orma L. Robbins Southfield MI
19 Years flying KR-2 N110LR

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