>Also... from preflighting lots of C-152's  you can see that Cessna uses
> small spanwise triangular weights just FWD of the hinge line.  This is
> more attractive than our giant lead arm... but weighs more.
> Ross, Netters:
> Along the same lines and stealing from Tony's books, I was thinking about
> this design:
> http://www.geocities.com/djramccoop1/Aileron_Balance.html

While the idea of the Cessna style spanwise weights (which are also on
C-170/172's) has merit and the web site seems to be the same idea it is a
lousy drawing - no allowance for down deflection of the aileron.  As for the
total amount of weight, is anyone at the aileron balancing stage?  If so,
try taping a mess of electrical solder in long runs to see how much it takes
(or plumbers' bar solder, if it can be found in strips that are narrow
enough [remember, down deflection clearance]).  Another possibility, if you
are a shooter, would be a row of ?.22 or .30 cal. cast lead slugs.  If it
does work without too much weight penalty, then continuous lead wire from
Corbin in the approiate size could be epoxied to the bottom leading edge of
the aileron.  As an extra benefit, it would also provide a rounded edge to
interface with a gap seal.

Allen G. Wiesner  KR-2S/TD S/N 1118
65 Franklin Street
Ansonia, CT 06401
(203) 732-0508


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